Javier Mendia

Javier Mendia

Phd Student. Magnetic Tweezers Technique
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Javier Mendia obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of the Basque Country in 2021, where he became interested in Biophysics. He developed his final year project about the detection and quantification of autophagy through Western Blot and confocal microscopy at the “Biofisika” Institute (CSIC-UPV/EHU). Following his interest in biophysics he pursued the Master´s Degree in Condensed Matter Physics and Biological Systems  (Biophysics specialization) and joined Fernando Moreno’s lab at the Spanish National Centre for Biotechnology where he developed his final Master’s project about the generation of hybrid substrates (ss-dsDNA) for magnetic tweezers experiments. Since 2023 he works at the Moreno-Herrero lab as a predoctoral researcher .

His work focuses on the study of DNA remodelling enzymes by magnetic tweezers.